Just a quick fun free write x
Skirmish: Groundhog Day (@andygetch)Liner Notes
#freewrite #fun #acoustic #uke just for fun x had a few mins to spare x
@leencha 🤣🤣🤣 well being chronicly ill/disabled ... means i dont get as much time/energy etc... cos my body just cant...so when i can? I DO! X❤️
How Many songs and freewrites did you do that day?!? Amazing!
@wildrainbow ah thank you so much xx
Like the stripped back feel which matches the subject matter.
@andygetch ah thanks for hosting! :) was a fun one x
I like the riffing on the groundhog and the day itself. Fun improvisation and thanks for playing!
@marilisa ah thanking you 😃 i am a big fan of writing that way ❤️
Fun indeed! Love how free and easy this sounds :)
@richardmasters thank you so much! 😃
Hey, this is a really lovely melody - a very worthwhile skirmish :)