
by @dmce

Liner Notes

#dirty #electronic #dissonance #lofi #acoustic


We always speak in fairytales and people can't tell our ways
They can't see what's wrong or right. if we're just telling pretty lies
We give those eyes and smile that scented smile
We'll be blinded for another while and there's no reasons why

We are the last who'll remember the before
We'll look back and wonder what we've done to the world
I am accountable but I am infallible
We'll say nothing could be done as we stand idly by

I am an eyesore, an empty festival
Onstage, entertaining no one but myself

We like to be excluded from the group, so that we can always say that we will always speak the truth
No one can stand us, but you're hooked regardless
And I can't tell or see any reasons why

These lyrics are made up of bits and pieces of stuff I had written at different times. There is no real narrative, just adapting the words to fit the melody.



fuck yeah, what's this crazy synth stuff wow
I like the bass here and the pause before the final verse made me smile. That second verse is certainly painfully true these days.