The Benevolent Dictator

by @andybalham

Liner Notes

I thought that the idea of preferring a dictator to democracy was an idea only put forward by tech bros, but apparently not. According to a YouGov poll, it would seem that 20% of Britons would prefer a dictator to having a say in things:

#dystopian #indierock


Imagine the inefficiency
The lack of productivity
If workers were allowed to be
Involved in company policy

How would we ever get things done
If companies held elections
So time for countries to be run
By the hand of the chosen one

All hail our dictator
His benevolence shines so bright
The great decision maker
Trust in him to do what’s right

Society can accelerate
With no electoral handbrake
Regulations set ablaze
Efficiency unconstrained

Ideas finally unleashed
In a free-market wet dream
By the tech ruling elite
And no one can disagree


Now there might be some dissenters
Some may yearn to have a say
Time for some re-education
In a quiet faraway place


Fantastic social commentary... with a grimy, glorious rock groove! Loving this!!
I really wish this wasn't so prescient at the moment... And I hope that a few of those poll respondents, hearing the lyrics spelled out thus, would realize just what it was they were saying...

Anyway, fantastic, blistering rock arrangement. The guitar counter-melody is a delicious icing on the cake, and the way it shepherds the transition to the half-time bit was a masterful stroke. Bravo!
We love the apocalyptic sarcasm in the lyrics - what a miserable state of affairs... classic rock sounds, the wailing lead guitar is really strong against the distorted rhythm guitar and the chorus on the vocal works perfectly. Put us in mind of early U2.