Everybody Wants It (Immortality)

by @claudia

Liner Notes

Inspired by John Wyndham’s novel Trouble With Lichen

#rock #books #scifi


Behold the miracle of innovation
We never thought this could be done
Coincidences lead to celebrations
So get you lab coat on, baby

The biggest weapon since they gave us the vote
The biggest secret to keep
So many possibilities open now
So many thing to achieve

Everybody wants it
Everybody does
We could live forever
Mother nature’s flawed

For the sake of fighting
For the sake of truth
Just imagine what I’d do
If I didn’t have to worry about you

Behold the headline no one’s gonna believe
Old Mary Shelley knew what’s up
But cautionary tales get old real fast
It doesn’t matter when we’ve got

The biggest weapon since they gave us the vote
The biggest secret to keep
So many possibilities open now
So many things to achieve

Everybody wants it
Everybody does
We could live forever
Mother nature’s flawed

For the sake of fighting
For the sake of truth
Just imagine what I’d do
If I didn’t have to worry about you

Eternities are made to last
Once we’re believed, we’re taking charge
Give us the power owed to us
Because the tables turning fast

I would die for that

Everybody wants it
Everybody does
We could live forever
Mother nature’s flawed

For the sake of fighting
For the sake of truth
Just remember what I’d do

I would die for that


Love the rough bass line to the soft vocals, the melody and the whole drive. Good rock song! And, of course, awesome lyrics! 😀
That's some big guitar/bass/drum goodness, and total attitude in the vocal and lyrics. I dig this one a whole lot!
I like the soundscape you made. Fits well with with this cool song. Good lyrics too.
That bass cronchy as heck. Sweet catchy chorus. Very cool.
This rocks!