by @gabemusic


I don’t know up from down
Whenever you’re around
I don’t remember my name, date of birth,
Or the last four of my soc
Got two things to say
I forgot them both

Whenever you’re around
I can’t keep my last meal down
I lose all my swagger
I slip and I stagger
Into you
Cause I’m into you

I don’t mind
It feels so good
To feel so blind
I wish I could it together
But I’m just not that clever

I don’t know east from west
I know you’re not impressed
I can’t form a sentence
Or walk in a straight line
Walk right into you
Cause I’m into you


Your melody on the first line of each verse is very appealing and pulls the listener into the rest of the song. Some nice chord changes popping up too! Nice.
I wonder if making it a tad shorter would be good…?
Nicely done. Great Lyrics, thanks for sharing.