Taco Cat (A Super Villain)

by @roblyon5150


Liner Notes

#fawm #writebydice #palindrome Wrapping up 2 challenges at once. The Palindrome, and the write by dice challenge. I rolled the lucky 13, which is "scat lyrics." I've never did scat, so I just kept it real simple and short. Good thing these are just demos and I can recreate later. It was still very fun.


Doo Doot Doo ba doo
Taco Cat comin' for ya
Doo Doo ba do ba do
gonna randomly go puke.
do bop ba do bop
coming from the litterbox
do ba do ba do bwee
scratching up everything

Taco cat, taco cat
A chicken scit scat scat
Taco cat, taco cat
Twee ba dooba Dabba dab.


@cathychenoweth thank you! It needs more words but it was still fun. And I had never scat before.
kinda like your take on the cat side of taco cat....scit scat scat dabba dab!
@buckshotgeorge76 no condenser mic. Actually just use my pc mic. It works pretty well.
@roblyon5150 Is that a condensor mic?
@koalarocks It needs another verse or two. But it was a fun write. You can download it if you wish. If not, absolutely no worries.
@moeysullivan the one that sings "I will ignore you. You've got a cat." James Taylor style?
Yo I love the idea of a supervillain named Taco Cat your lyrics are very good too hope you have fun FAWMing🐨🐨
Your guitar actually sounds good!! Haha
Blues cat. Reminds me of the B. Kliban cartoon except Taco Cat is a real one compared to that guy