Fawm Stalker

by @wsharper69 · @markfulwider

Fawm Stalker
wsharper69 +1

Liner Notes

Alright I gave it a go with a basic demo! Fun one for sure! Thanks for the opportunity! Love this concept as you may be able to tell!

#needscollab #needsmusic


Mark's modified lyrics for demo:

What? What are you waiting for anyway?

You’re always lurking
Your skills you’re shirking
You’re FAWM stalker, You’re a FAWM stalker

post readin’
songwriter creepin’
You’re nothing but a FAWM stalker, FAWM stalker

You know who you are
You won’t play your guitar
You’re living vicariously
Zacchaeus hidin’ out in a tree

Don't be a Mcfly
Don’t wanna be that guy
Don’t be a FAWM stalker Ooooooooh

So many lessons to learn
And a rock hand to earn
Don’t be a FAWM stalker a FAWM stalker ooooooohhh

Original Lyrics

What? What are you waiting for?
Always lurking
Your skills you are shirking
Fawm stalker, Fawm stalker
Always Reading
Always listening
Fawm stalker, Fawm stalker
You know who you are
Don't need a piano or even a guitar
Fawm stalker
Fawm stalker
Through us you are living
And never giving
Don't be a Mcfly
No one wants to be that guy
Fawm stalker, Fawm Stalker
So many lessons to learn
For only ten dollars your rock hands you can earn

Tis better to give, than to receive
This you must believe
Fawm stalker, Fawm Stalker


@markfulwider very impressive. Nicely done on the improvements.
@wsharper69 Gave it a bit of an update with a fresh remix and some added tidbits!
@wsharper69 Glad ya liked it! I will do a bit more refining tomorrow and see what more I can do with it! It’s a fun one for sure!
@markfulwider you rocked it. Love the Zacchaeus line. Thanks for taking the time to do this.
Alright @wsharper69 my demo is up! Hope ya like it!
Alrighty then! I will see what I can come up with!
@markfulwider go for it. I look forward to your additions
Hey there! Love the premise of this! Seems like it slid under the radar here. Could be a fun one! You ok some minor rewrites to fit a particular groove or pace? Just let me know! Blessings!