Prince Steward's Stew
by @zu_blus
Skirmish: ENTERTAIN THY KING! (@rowankingsbury)Liner Notes
I thought it would be funny to imagine I was a bard or jester and performed this song FOR THY KING. Then I started rhyming in lymeric. I couldn't stop imagining more and more ridiculous scenarios about too many cooks in king's kitchen. I had so much fun and even if it's nothing special I wrote it thanks to this Skrimish, so I'll share it.
This could be one of those songs, where everyone adds their own verses about more cooks and the ending about prince's lessons get's longer and longer and you have to remember the order of cooks appearing (12 Days of Christmas/Alla fiera dell'est style).
No melody, the one I came up with was too similar to my Geronimo song.
#comedy #folk #funny
There once was a prince called Steward
Who wished for a very big stew
He sent very best men to find very best cooks
Who’d prepare him a Prince Steward Stew
At once many cooks have appeared
His kitchen was filled to brim
With cooks and their pots, which then quick overflowed
Now the cleaners had more floors to clean
The first cook, a butcher, knew very not much-o
About cooking and stewing the meats
But one thing did he know, to quote Paulo Coelho
You have to take risks (or whatever)
Cook Two was a barista at heart
But he couldn’t quite get it his start
He knew that with time he could make a good stew
For he was the one who invented cold brew
Cook three was rather gaunt
She spent her best years on the fisherman’s boat
Experienced at sea, but she didn’t foresee
Her balance was off on the land
Plates, spoons and ladles went flying in air
All lords and ladies came down to stare
At too many cooks and the mess that they made
They all went and died
Just kidding… all but one survived
When all cooking the guests left in a hurry
The whole royal kitchen was covered in curry
The cleaners all resigned
Leaving a mess creamy bo kho and cioppino and bouef bourguignon
Prince Steward, alarmed by his staff’s distress
Run down to the kitchen and stared at the mess
A lightbulb went out in his head and he said:
Let’s combine all of the stews!
His invention was all but new
He finally found The Prince Steward’s Stew
And he stewed in it for the whole afternoon
From this venture he learned all that he could:
Cold brew is a cool way to drink a coffee
Paulo Coelho wasn’t that deep
People should eat more Vitamin C
And the cooks were not his problem!