Into The Wood Chipper

by @andybalham

Liner Notes

A tale from two viewpoints, 'inspired' by the acts of a certain group of odious individuals. And to think that I was worried that I wouldn't have enough to rail against this FAWM 😠

WARNING: May contain a bass solo

#poppunk #political #protest


Give me your tired
Give me your poor
The wretched refuse
Of the shore
And before you know
Into the wood chipper they go

Give me your
Land of the free
Give the home of
The brave to me
And before you know
Into the wood chipper they go

Give me allegiance
Give me support
Give me devotion
To the cause
Else before you know
Into the wood chipper you go

Give me the vandals
Out on a spree
Who take from those
In dire need

Give me the heartless
The sociopaths
The twenty-something
Fan-boy lads

Give me the tech bros
The crypto kings
The spineless
Fawning underlings

Give me the bigots
The narrow minds
Give me those in
Climate denial

And into the wood chipper they go


Clever lyrics and I like the way it changes gears for the last sprint of stanzas! I fear there will be more yet to rail against...uff da. Rock on!!