Dark Tides On An Unknown Cove

by @fileformat

Dark Tides On An Unknown Cove

Liner Notes

Why did you forget the flashlight? Not that you see much in this fog.... Is that the tide - but what about that dark ominous rumble? You hear sirens in the distance - but surely they aren't here to help.

An #instrumental piece - generative from only the hardware - 2600, Model D, K2 - Zoia and Zoom for the effects.

#fawmtronica #soundscape #ambient #generative #modular


Nice dark tones. Love how the different sounds work together here. FAWM's website recommended this song to me and it did not mislead me. That low ominous pad is the best. And the dropout is very effective here. Very cool how instead of building up, it breaks down.
I like this sounds of the ocean tides with submarine-like noises included and also your cryptic whale production. I'm looking for Interpretive collaborations on a couple of spoken word poems that I have posted -."Uncle Billy's Singing Frog and other yet unposted word poems like the Japanese haiku spoken word song "Buson's Bell" which is also posted. Let me know if you are interested.
This is really cool. Ominous, yet spacious - it brings up all kinds of dark, abandoned, mysterious images in my mind.
I'm really appreciating the smacking sound each wave makes as it impacts. That's what really sells it for me that I'm listening to water and not just a noise generator.
Oh, I like the droning sound. I mean, I like everything about this. Just, the droning is essential for the uneasy athmosphere. The echoing sounds that are there the whole time and stay after most other sonds are gone remind me of this kind of buoy that have a bell on them. Eerie.
Nice backing track here. Enjoyed the different colors. Hypnotic, for sure.
Nice soundscape. The waves sound like I imagine they could be on an alien planet with a methane or other element sea. Great use of the fx and the dark rumbles are awesome!
This has a nicely ominous feel to it. Definitely hearing the tide, and the rumble, and the sirens. I like the emptying out at about the 4:20 mark. Very well done.