save these instructions

by @miltz

save these instructions

Liner Notes

#noise #improvisation

Snare drum, superball mallet, snare brush, piece of wood, comb, springs.

Close-mic'd noises. Trying out the Sonorous Objects SO.101 mic I bought in the fall and hadn't used yet. I'm pleased with it (the microphone, not the improvisation, though that's okay too). Once the weather gets warmer I'll have to take it outside. I might need more stuff from them.

Turned off the furnace and my space heater, but I think you can hear the refrigerator that's just outside my door.

I brought down a couple of transient spikes (close micing isn't very forgiving about those) but otherwise didn't edit this or add reverb or anything. I did try adding a little post-recording reverb but for this it felt wrong so I ditched it. Maybe on the plates and butter knives thing I want to try...


Dude what a crop! This is so cool! I'd love to hear this noises used as Foley or something in a show. They'd be so interesting with like, contact improv or movement theatre or something performance arty like that
Very evocative. Particularly enjoyed the droney thing that sounds like a wind instrument but apparently isn't, and what I think could be the comb.
This is good you got some great noises here, the best at 2.07, but now it wont play maybe you uploading another version? No, is dead no sound.
You've added a little musique concrete to my coffee, and it's exactly what was needed. This is honestly the kind of experiment and performance I want to hear more of on FAWM, but am too timid to try myself. Keep it up!
Fascinating stuff.