Trotz alledem / Despite all this

by @karan

Liner Notes

In 1848, after the revolution and the attempt to create a German republic had failed, the poet Ferdinand Freiligrath published a poem he had written inspired by a Scottish song with a text from Robert Burns. The key words “in spite of all this and all that” became a synonym for resistance under duress. Freiligrath’s song has been updated and popularised by German singer-songwriters in the 1960s and 1970s. I just borrowed the title and went a different route, but with a similar intention.

Stay strong, my friends. Despite all this and all that.

#singersongwriter #german #withtranslation


Trotz alledem und alledem,
du musst dich nicht verbiegen.
Trotz alledem vertrau darauf,
dass Mut und Hoffnung siegen.
Trotz allem gibt es Menschlichkeit
sogar im allertiefsten Leid,
trotz allem zeigt die Liebe ihr Gesicht.

Trotz alledem und alledem
kannst du dich heute freuen,
denn morgens geht die Sonne auf,
an jedem Tag von neuem.
Sie treibt die bösen Träume aus,
sie lockt dich sanft aus deinem Haus
und schenkt dir neue Kraft mit ihrem Licht.

Darum trotz allem nicht nur klagen,
darum trotz allem nicht verzagen,
darum trotz allem etwas wagen!
Trotz alledem und alledem ...

Wenn du erschöpft und müde bist,
dann darfst du es uns sagen,
und wenn du nicht mehr laufen kannst,
dann werden wir dich tragen.
Und macht uns auch das Dunkel bang,
und ist der Weg auch noch so lang,
wir gehen ihn miteinander, Arm in Arm.

Trotz allem treten wir vereint
Gewalt und Hass entgegen.
Auch wenn das Grauen endlos scheint,
wir werden was bewegen!
Die Angst hat nicht das letzte Wort,
denn unser Lachen jagt sie fort,
und dieses kalte Land wird wieder warm.

Darum trotz allem nicht nur klagen,
darum trotz allem nicht verzagen,
darum trotz allem etwas wagen!
Trotz alledem und alledem …


Despite all this and all that,
you do not need to bend.
Despite all this, trust
that courage and hope will prevail.
Despite all this, there is humanity
even in the deepest suffering,
despite all this, love shows its face.

Despite all this and all that
you can be joyful today,
because the sun rises in the morning,
every day anew.
It drives out the bad dreams,
it gently lures you out of your house
and gives you new strength with its light.

Therefore, despite all this, do not only complain,
therefore, despite all this, do not despair,
therefore, despite all this, dare to do something!
Despite all this and all that ...

When you are exhausted and tired,
then you can tell us,
and if you can no longer walk,
we will carry you.
Even if the darkness makes us afraid,
and however long the road may be,
we will walk it together, arm in arm.

Despite all this, we stand united
against violence and hatred.
Even if the horror seems endless,
we will make a difference!
Fear does not have the last word,
because our laughter will chase it away,
and this cold land will warm up again.

Therefore, despite all this, do not only complain,
therefore, despite all this, do not despair,
therefore, despite all this, dare to do something!
Despite all this and all that …

© Karan 2025


The perfect song for our trying times. We cannot let fear have the last word. Beautifully sung as you always do.
A fitting message for the times we find ourselves in. Wise and hopeful. Your sound is warm and inviting too. Lovely chorus.
Gorgeous song. Your voice alongside the guitar make this sound like a long lost classic. Great job!
Genau! So machen wir das. Trotz alledem! Danke fürs Mutmachen! Das ist so wichtig dieser Tage.
So many lines in this that I like. "Die Angst hat nicht das letzte Wort."
This is a very positive song that warms my heart and it’s very much needed in these times