Jabbing The Jobless
by @andybalham
Liner Notes
Where I take the idea of using weight loss jabs for the unemployed to its logical conclusion. Sadly, this is not a dystopian idea I made up. It's a real thing that's been proposed by a UK MP: BBC - Weight loss jabs for jobless not dystopian - Streeting (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cgk7l30egjeo)
#political #dystopian #indiepop
It looks we’ve got a problem
And something has got to give
It seems that we have too many folk
Economically inactive
We need to think different
The answers are in the lab
Can we cure these workshy fops
With just a single jab
Yes, let’s jab the jobless
A needle and the job is done
One sharp prick is all it takes
For the perfect automaton
Let’s jab the jobless
Inject all those mugs
Get this country working again
Even if it is on drugs
We’ll start with just weight loss
But maybe there’s a greater need
GDP would be through the roof
If all workers were high on speed
Production both night and day
Recession but a memory
Profits stratospheric
When there’s no need to sleep
Is this chemical solution
Treating the symptom, not the cause
Maybe the jobs on offer
Aren’t worth applying for?
Great melody it is, though.
Love the filtered guitars!