My Phone

by @jeremykazoo


Liner Notes

As I ventured to the studio last night to finish writing a different song, I kept repeating one line rhythmically, "Where'd I put my phone, my phone, my phone". The rest just took a bass, a beat and some time.

#rap #hiphop #fretless #funny


My technology
Why have you abandoned me?
My technology
Please come back to me

Where’d I put my phone my phone my phone
Where’d I put my phone my phone my phone

Just had it in hand at hand on demand
I know I opened Instagram.

anywhere I eye I ain't eyed it I'm ired and I'm
Gonna tear this place apart.

Where'd I put my phone my phone my phone.
Where'd I put my phone my phone my phone.

My technology
Why have you abandoned me?
My technology
Please come back to me

Where'd I put my phone my phone my phone.
Where'd I put my phone my phone my phone

Thought I knew
where I put my phone,
I'm wrong it’s gone
it's nowhere in sight to see.

Checked the bedroom, basement
behind the bathroom basin
But it's buried, begone to me

Flail around in fury failing to find that fucking phone
it’s gone

Whers is my damn phone my damn phone
I refuse to think it's is gone

My technology
Why have you abandoned me?
My technology
Please come back to me

Where'd I put my phone my phone my phone
Where'd I put my phone my phone

Searching sea to sky for my cell’s secret site
But I don't where its gone.
If I had a trick to track it I'd attack it
Wait lemme borrow your phone

Find my phone found fit to find
my forgotten phone fast
I'm thankful

I found my phone my phone my phone.
I finally found my phone

Oh my technology
You came back to me
Oh my technology
In my bed between the sheets
Oh my technology
Stay close to me.


Well that bass line will live rent free in my head the rest of the day! Totally a catchy earworm. Thanks for the fun listen 💚
This ones fun and funky! Reminds me of early chili peppers. I love how straightforward and raw it is. Also appreciate any love for the fretless!
this is a good one - play it faster and harder and you could give red hot chilli peppers a run for their money!!
Haha, this is perfect! Been there so many times 🤣 I will be singing this a lot from now on, nice bass riff 😎
Damn, this song could’ve been written for me 😅 And a lot of us I’d wager! I will
sing this to my phone the next time I’m trying to find it, thank you😁