I've Got It All
by @sadloaf
Liner Notes
Lost my brain cells in an experiment
You think i’d regret it
But I can’t remember because
I’ve got it all
Lost my train of thought by accident
now I can’t assure myself that I exist
But I’ve got got it all
Fiction can
Slap the hands of providence
Leave me wanting what i have and more
Orders every element
Vacuum of the evidence
Found an easy way to distract
Until the me that is that train of thought is dead
I’ve got it all
He had it all
Researching myself on the internet
Learned that I might be eating when I don’t know that I am
I’ve got it all
What was put in front of me
Like scarcity is someone else’s chore
Markers for uncertainty
The fire of stochasticity
Will keep me warm
the vocal delivery over the funky carefree track is great, you really nail the genre + mood combo in a neat way every time
the break is so much fun and i was happy to see how much of the track was still coming when it hit! makes me wanna shuffle dance the energy off instead of doing anything useful