freak like me

by @shaydeannoctua

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

ah, yes, 1 AM spirals, the perfect time to lament the 5-month therapy waitlist


they're trying to take me
down a couple notches
but nothing they say will
ever hit me like they wanted
but we know that's a lie
constantly covering insecurity
we know it's a mask
of never-ending grandiosity

over and over, i let my ego over-inflate
it's just a show in the never-ending cabaret
and while we're on the subject
of my ballooning ego
who could love a
narcissistic schizotypal
freak like me?

apathetic nights alone
maybe someday i'll be able to love
for now it's an act
i've never felt anything more than a dash
and all i have is anger
and my lack of human connection
maybe someday i'll be able to love like you

over and over i take a wild
approach to a tune
even the beat
is half-baked, rusted off the loop
and while we're on the subject
of my habits breaking everything
why listen to an
awful little fucked-up
freak like me

over and over i push away
the people i love
it's just a facade, a lie
there's no one i can trust
and while you stare and laugh at my spiral
who'd believe a piece of shit
psycho little
freak like me


Oof. I have felt much of this myself in my lowest moments and you're really a master at capturing it. Some great, gut-punch phrases in here. I especially like the stanza that begins "over and over I take a wild /approach to a tune." "Rusted off the loop" is such an evocative phrase. You've made the very specific feel universal.