Dotty Dashes

by @esc4p3

Challenge: MORSE CODE

Liner Notes

Morse Code challenge, go! I had a 250 mile round trip yesterday and a very long day, but sat down at the laptop, saw the weekly challenge and thought "why not". Had great fun doing this, the morse code spells out FAWM, nothing that imaginative really. I created the basic dots and dashes in a midi editor, then moved them around a bit to create a melody, voila!

Used to make this track:
Reaper DAW
Ozone 10
Roland Concerto Blip Blop synth
Couple of drum loops
Native Instruments Super 8 synth, Jacob Colliers Audience Choir

#fawmtronica #electronic #synthwave #weeklychallenge



This is what the midi looks like....


so amazing! loving the orchestral stuff and the space after 1:27
Great take on the challenge! Love that moment when the drums hit, and all the choir/string parts burst onto the scene. Sounds massive, and a great contrast when you drop it back down to just the code melody.
yes, the synthwave groove bursts forth around 30s. a cool beat and melody, and combining the electronic sounds with the cello was a great move. good one!!

if you ever remix this, make it faster!!
Great take on the challenge, though I reckon you should have left the meaning as an Easter egg for listeners to discover for themselves! This is a nicely funky piece of electropop and no mistake. Loving that chunky bass.