My First Girlfriend

by @alphagal

My First Girlfriend

Liner Notes

#breakup #heartbreak #70s

I don't know what genre to put... 🤔
Thanks to @sync for real bass and drums!


My first girlfriend was pure and true
Everything was new
I could never keep my mind at school
An idealistic fool
And though we tried most every day
Sex could not assuage

My first girlfriend was virgin too
Didn’t know what to do
One day she told me that we were through
Then fucked everyone I knew
And though I cried most every day
Tears were not enough to convey

I’m so sorry for all that
The World has to wound
And I don’t blame you
I have to live with myself
In the end
Not my first girlfriend
My first girlfriend

I’m so sorry for all that
The World has to mend
May that I transcend
I have to live with the World
In the end
Not my first girlfriend
My last girlfriend


Agree with john about the celtic song. The times when delay is used it is very tasteful. Great voice. Amazing song.
Damn, this is lovely! I love that beep, beep, beep part; it kinda serves as the guide through the song! Your guitar playing is really sweet! Makes me wanna drag my electric out and amp it up a bit. Your vocals are absolutely stunning! The melody and your voice makes me feel like it is a bit Celtic! Wow, that middle section ROCKs totally! This is an AWESOME song!