
by @dr_griff


Liner Notes

#folk #filk #singersongwriter #finished

For the Finish It (Finished) challenge. The chord progression and melody have been hanging out in my voice memos for a month and a half. Tonight I decided to put some lyrics to them, with the help of @matthewsanford prompting me. This is the result. I get the sense that the viewpoint characters/singer are looking at the dying elders of their culture and trying to find ways to keep their memory (if not their memories) alive.


No Capo

Verse 1
Way back when
When the world was young and new
Way back when
A Asus2
When there was so much to do

Look at now
Everyone is old and gray
Look at now
Everyone just seems to say

Bridge 1
F G D Dsus4
Remember us when we used to be happy?
F G D Dsus4
Remember us when we used to be fun?
F G D Dsus4
Remember us, remember how we used to be
Remember us or remember none

Verse 2
Say their names
And remember them anew
Say their names
And remember them and true

Know their tale
Who they were and who theyโ€™ll be
Know their tale
What they meant to you and me

Bridge 2
Remember when they used to be so happy?
Remember when they used to be so kind?
Remember them, remember how they used to be
Remember them, remember all the time

Verse 3
Always see
What they wanted us to know
Always see
How they wanted us to grow

Hold their love
So strong for you and me
Hold their love
And be what we have to be

Bridge 3
Remember why they used to be so happy
Remember why they used to be so strong
Remember them, remember how they used to be
Remember we will be like them ere long

And you will see


I really like this. You sing it like nostalgia which is really effective and it just works so well. Great write ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘
I like this and it could still be a protest song, because weโ€™ve got to remember the good times in the past.
Love it brother! You give me a bit of credit, sure, I was glad to help you off that block by just saying this crazy thing or that, but what you did here I really take no credit for!...well, apart from "way back when" but I was going in a completely different direction with it that completely sucked compared to what you accomplished with it here! Great song, always good to consider the past, and not always with rose colored glasses!