Up Right Now
by @lbrewington
Liner Notes
# Liner
I dedicate this song to my brother, a man of action, in all aspects of his life.
Stand Tall, Be Firm, Live Brave
#acoustic #onetake #singersongwriter
# Details
start : 1o:1o PM
end : 11:o9 PM
first demo: 11:49pm
# Notes
Last chorus went pretty flat, but i think it's a breath thing, easy to clean up there. Kinda hard to sing at times, especially that part in the chorus about the songs and the next line, the rhythm is interesting to say the least. This will be a fun one to work with.
g - d -em -c
two people make a family
it's gonna take a whole village
before too long you got yourself a nation
but the bad guys are coming around
it happens every single time
your words are loud
but they're coming out swinging
strike the anvil while it's hot
break bread when it's cooling off
round the table we gather
we gotta get everyone together
these are the times they will speak of us
stand tall be firm live brave
c g
these are the songs our kids will sing
d em
these are the stories history will tell
and you living them out
so you better stand up right now
g - d -em -c
what's the deal with good or bad
the truth is, real is neither
the pacifist grows old and grey
while the solider dies alone
when the cart comes round to collect the dead
will you yell out instead
stand tall be firm live brave
em - c
it's a hard time to be alive
g - d
that's the truth of any age passing by
you didn't climb these stairs
your didn't tear down these walls
to be told to go home , to turn around
stand tall be firm live brave
stand tall be firm live brave