It is the season

by @erikleppen

Liner Notes

My take on this FAWM was doing each song about one of my friends. But the flu had struck me (as it does during the winter), so I had run behind my FAWM schedule... That got me thinking about making a song about how the #flu sounds, which meant this song could se thought of as being about myself... which kinda counts.

But how do you make an #instrumental about the flu? I had no real idea, so I started toying around with all kinds of #noise. I couldn't really find the right noises and wanted more tonal stuff to make it more 'musical' and not TOO #chaotic for my own taste. In the end I think it turned out rather nice, although totally not what I had in mind beforehand. But that's fine.

#electronic #cinematic #ambient #soundtrack


I really like the way this builds and how the kind of random percussion occasionally becomes more cohesive, definitely not too chaotic, nice end result indeed.