
by @ryuu


Liner Notes

This started with the idea of making something with as many vocal layers as I could. I quickly ran into an obstacle: mainly, that my working space is part of a shared room where I can only record acoustic things when I have the place to myself. (Seriously, I hate this architecture paradigm of "who needs walls or doors ot private space at all", and if I ever move again, if I have the choice, it better be a place with separate rooms.) This is why I decided to call it done after only four layers plus keyboard background.
#improvisation #ambient #vocal


Wunderbar, find ich auch! Wer braucht schon Wände, ha, ja. Gewebe aus fünf Strängen :-)
But those four layers are incredibly powerful, if that can comfort you, and your voice is so majestic it gives me goose-bumps.
This is the kind of stuff I could listen to for hours. The synth adds the perfect tension while you're painting a hazy soundscape that conjures old times and fantasy stories. Gorgeous. Awesome.
Oh wow I love this. Honestly I think four vox layers worked out really well. Everything blends but I can still follow individual voices, and I guess that makes me happy. The song sounds so ghostly and lonely, which seems good for a wanderer. Any more and it'd be a crowd :D I have to say, I'm constantly amazed at how good all the music I'm finding here is.
Da kann ich mich @tageule nur anschließen. Das ist ergreifend! Unglaublich schön.
Otherworldly beautiful. Don't know what else I can say.