Unfathomables Rise

by @emplate · @bamsekarhu

Unfathomables Rise
emplate +1

Liner Notes


@bamsekarhu said that he'd want to collaborate with me on some death metal destruction. Knowing his love for Bloodbath, I tried to create something in that vein. I don't know if I succeeded, but at least the other guitar has HM-2 on it! The final part is me doing my best copycatting the ending of Left Hand Path.


For lyrics I also tried to do some bloodbathian undead-y aesthetic, and then mix is LOUD AS ASS
#deathmetal #metal #hm2 #mnet


The compulsion to seek out the utmost dark destruction
Self-annihilation our destiny
Yet through the mire, like a parasite
Something has survived

From the ravaged soil
Under the bleeding sky
Through plague and despair
Vomiting rot and bile
From the swollen earth
Under the crescent eye
The unfathomables rise

Rising to feast and tear asunder
The struggling remains of humanity
Witness the rancid mutilation
To be devoured is our destiny

Amalgamation of dark passions
A chimera of compulsive atrocities
A compound of unearthly desires
The worst of humanity survive


This is just very very good.
That's all.
*hits play again*
Aiming for Bloodbath, copy-catting Left Hand Path, fukkit...just give me more of this nasty death metal.
Oh man, this was heavy as hell. Amazing how you keep up the energy for so long, but keep changing up the rhythms and riffs.
Love the slower section at the end with the overlapping, chaotic vocals.
Great stuff. The drums made me think Dethklok (which I love, obviously) but then I realized the vocals were way better than Dethklok.