Precedented Times

by @geekysoprano

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

#lyricsonly #oraclechallenge

I received the Complicated card, and the following message:
"My sweet one, wouldn’t it be nice if life were always simple and things were obvious and transparent?"


Watch red paint dry
Name clouds drifting by
Count all the stars you see in the night sky

Blades of grass sway
Letting hours slip away
As velvet night slips golden into day

Precedented times
Moments fully known
Little bits of boredom
Together or alone
Rhythm of a rhyme
Read countless times before
Comfort found in sameness
And knowing what's in store

Dragonfly wings
a mourning dove sings
Music of the morning in a million wee things

Hand on soft fur
Sleepy cat's purr
Sitting still as stone to leave her dreams undisturbed

Precedented times
Moments fully known
Little bits of boredom
Together or alone
Rhythm of a rhyme
Read countless times before
Comfort found in sameness
And knowing what's in store

Oh how I long for precedented times
Oh how I long for precedented times


Really like these lyrics