Graves for Sophistry

by @danxduran

Liner Notes

In previous FAWMs I've often looked to the news for song ideas... haven't really done that this FAWM until now.

I came across an article on BBC News about using modern tech to read a 2000-year-old burnt Roman scroll, and - of course - it was a work of philosophy. It's as if the ancient Greeks and Romans ever wrote anything else... It was always going to be a work of philosophy, wasn't it?

Anyway. I had the idea for the chorus riff you hear on the bass for a while, but as a vocal melody. Putting together the song I realised it was way too hard to sing (for me), so switched it to the bass and chose a simpler vocal melody. Seems to have worked.

The guitar sounds not quite as good as some of my other tunes this FAWM because it was done before I found the absolute sweet spot for my microphones a few weeks ago. But it's good enough.

Drums: SD3 Dark Matter
Bass: Fender Jaguar through Guitar Rig 7
Synths: Odyssey, Minimonsta, OP-X
Guitar: Les Paul knockoff through Big Muff Pi, Orange Crush amp

#indie #synth #newwave #grunge #rock


in ancient rome
the plebians wrote down their random thoughts
no matter what
they're what we now call the philosophers

and now we found their diaries
so we know their truth
they're wholly like us, they're nothing like us

and if we found their diaries
we know their lies
they're nothing like us, they are us

but i never owned any slaves
does that cancel me?
i wish i could have dug more graves for sophistry

and now we found their diaries
so we know their truth
they're wholly like us, they're nothing like us

and if we found their diaries
we know their lies
they're nothing like us, they are us

and now we found their diaries
so we know their truth
they're wholly like us, they're nothing like us

and if we found their diaries
we know their lies
they're nothing like us, they are us


This is wild. Lovely tones and production. Digging the lyrics, in or out of context with the liner notes, it's cool and kinda mysterious. And as usual, your synth work gets me puuuumped!