Happy Anomaly

by @jamesacop

Happy Anomaly

Liner Notes

im still here! ahhhgh
this one's I guess a reflection of the stress I've been feeling this week, though I'm not really sure what all the lyrics mean, they mostly just sounded good together


feel all the weight sat on my brain
reaching for higher strings
the pressure points starting to build
reaching destruction

i'm a happy anomaly, in a way I'm slightly okay
but keep me away too long and I'll break, without an escape (from me)

I got away from it today, gladly it spared me
but rushing it on, waiting too long
it'll come running

I'm a happy anomaly, in a way I might be okay
just keep me from feeling things I'm afraid it'll show its face again
happy anomaly, in a way I might be okay
just keep me from running your way, keep me away (from your pain)
an abnormal happy ending
an anomaly...


Feels like you’re singing to me from outside my mind… with that rhythm stirring my emotions great job !
This is great. I really like the grungy sound - it suits the lyrics. Guitar is really cool in it . Thing that stands out for me is the melody - and the chord changes. Really kept me interested throughout. A most enjoyable listen. :-)