Death Machines

by @danb

Liner Notes

I just play guitar, so everything else is virtual instruments / AI. #metal


We churn the earth into seas of mud
and blacken the troubled wind.
Beneath our treads run streaks of blood
that declare our foes condemned.

Beasts of steel and steam and ore,
death machines for use in war.

They taught us how to burn the sea,
to spew forth oil and flame.
We learned the secrets of disease,
to manufacture plague.

[Chorus] [x2]

But in the night I gaze above the scorched and broken earth,
and trace the ancient lines on which the silver stars perch.

And sometimes when the ceaseless fight
has roared and raged for hours,
I rain fire on the blackened sky
to paint a wreath of flowers.

[Chorus] [x4]


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