incomplete angel
by @loch_jess_monster · @hookahsmoke
Liner Notes
kinda goofy shoegaze song. guitar, bass, and otamatone (hehehe) played by me, the synth melody in the section with the clean guitar was contributed by @hookahsmoke, and the drums are programmed. production is pretty rough cause i don't really know how to do that kind of stuff very well and didn't want to get bogged down working on that for a long time. i kinda just threw together a bunch of sounds of varying levels of weirdness in this one but overall i'm pretty happy with how it turned out.
i actually started working on this song quite early in the month but various stuff has slowed me down so i'm way behind on FAWM. compared to the other relatively throwaway songs i made very quickly earlier in the month this one is much more representative of music i would make when not operating under major time constraints.
this one works reasonably well as an instrumental but i'm adding the needs vocals and needs lyrics tags too since it would probably sound pretty cool with some singing. if anyone actually is interested in trying to add vocals feel free to let me know cause i can share a simpler reference track of what the melodies sound like separately from the rest of the mix.
#rock #shoegaze #instrumental #short #needsvocals #needslyrics