Palindrome Song
by @mishykatz
Challenge: PALINDROMELiner Notes
#palindrome #girlwithprotools #girlwithsynth
This was fun, just playing with words and fun sounds. Rough production but I had some fun with it
Never odd, or even
somewhere in between
balanced out and level
when both sides are seen
Was it a rat I saw?
From the corner of my eye
Like a special radar
That’s where the tears cry
Palindromes in my song
When the words play along
Palindromes take a good look
It’s a palindrome song, see I got you hooked
A man, a plan, a canal Panama
Let me in let me out
Nobody knows what anybody did
I can see that without a doubt
Palindromes in my song
When the words play along
Palindromes take a good look
It’s a palindrome song, see I got you hooked
Borrow or rob which way to go
Back and forth and here we are
Stuck in the middle with two ways out
Hitch your wagon to my star
Palindromes in my song
When the words play along
Palindromes take a good look
It’s a palindrome song, see I got you hooked
©Mishy Katz