Never Odd (Or Even)

by @grayslate

Skirmish: Stalking Anthem (@roblyon5150) Challenge: PALINDROME

Liner Notes

Worked on this for a skirmish hosted by roblyon5150! Lately the skirmish topics haven't interested me but this one was made for me, lol. I love exploring stalking and things related in fiction. In my real life, I've had two stalkers, so, obviously not fun when real people are involved. But to imagine all my little action figures this way? Priceless.

I'll admit I didn't make this in an hour. The instrumental? Yes, within the hour. But I got lost in developing the lyrics for an additional hour and a half. Whoops. Oh well, a song is a song.

Wasn't sure who I'd pick but I settled for NineZero once again. I'll never get tired of his voice. I might make an extended version of this someday? I was really trying to get out of my reliance on my leitmotif 5 note melody I've been using since 2018. For better or for worse.

Killed two birds with one stone and used one something from my palindrome list. The title has a bit of a double meaning. Never odd = my mission is pure, therefore, I'm not crazy. Or even = I can't get even because of all the obstacles in the way.

Really was fun to work on this! Only a few days remain for FAWM so I have to scramble a tiny bit but it's been fun! Really looking forward to making more music.

#stalking #stalker #skirmish #rock #metal #synthv #palindrome


Pacing back and forth, wait all night
For my chance to get you in sight
No rest for me 'til I have you,
Even if I wait my whole life

My favorite subject to study,
Dissect everything piece by piece
Tightening up my control,
I must have you on a short leash

Ooh, a diamond in the rough you are
Don't fear me my dear, we are meant to be
Ooh, I hold the keys to our future
Don't run from the truth, I know you want me

Ooh, I need to be your everything
So let me inside
Ooh, I know what's best for you
So don't even try and hide

I'm always wanting, always needing
Just to be by your side
So, now let me in, let me see it
The hallways of your mind


Great lyrics, intense music. Great work. And taking longer is no crime here :-)
Cool song and lyrics. I usually take longer than just an hour too. Good job tackling 2 at once. Thanks for participating!