- NW Ontario CA
- candle.bandcamp.com
Proud Member Of The Syzygy Consortium
一₢ἆԓɖĺƺ一 is something that needs to be 一Ꜫӿꝓƺᶉḭꬱἦꞓƺɖ一
The music of 一₢ἆԓɖĺƺ一 has been described as Progressive, Psychadelic, Space Rock, & even Experimental. But what Darby, the artist behind the sounds, is really trying to achieve is a connection with every listener. To make those who choose to listen to his music feel something deep within themselves. Something they might not have ever felt before. Or maybe some memory they cherish deeply. The frequencies & moods created with a single guitar are layered in order to paint vistas which hopefully will let the sensations & imaginations of the listeners rejoice in the experiænce & become an interactive part of the music itself.
So close your eyes, take a deep breath, & relax. Let the music touch your soul.
I'll be honest, I wasn't going to participate this year. I just haven't been feeling it & my Muse is currently renraptured by a novel I started writing just before Christmas. Also, my laptop had a hickup before Christmas as well & I've had to re-install everything. I didn't get around to re-installing any of my music stuff until about a week ago. But my #一sýƶýģý一 pals have inspired me. So, here I am. What I end up doing, the gods of Rock'n'Roll only know (& they probably don't even care). So this might be interesting…
Also, there's gonna be at least one #slothcore tune for sure.
SRF (Slothcore Republic Forever)
See You In The Shadows…
My gear list can be found here:
My current Jeskola Buzz Wiring Diagram:
Learn more about Jeskola Buzz at: http://jeskola.net/buzz/
Are you "Ready to rok"?
Hi! Thank you so much for your lovely comments! And no need to apologize at all, I never hold expectations for listening. And I'm also playing catch up! I hope you're having a great FAWM ❤️
Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow
(Just because) 😺
Thank you for your comments!
(Just because) 😺
Thank you for your comments!
Thank you for your great comments as well. Glad you found some inspiration.
No, I haven't read that chapter, your music-and-story thing is completely new to me. You're very good at OSTing stuff, so I'm looking forward to the rest of the journey.
No, I haven't read that chapter, your music-and-story thing is completely new to me. You're very good at OSTing stuff, so I'm looking forward to the rest of the journey.
Thanx for taking part in the experiment.
So far, 14 people have participated.
I will drop the two that didn't give me an answer one way or the other ( I suspect it would be a "no" then, but I'm not gonna assume)
Sorry, no. - 5
Maybe... - 1
So... 50% is a pretty great result, in my opinion.
If I include those "no answer" as "no", it drops to 48%, which is still well above the expected 33.3%.
Unless my math is wrong.
Which it might well be.
So far, 14 people have participated.
I will drop the two that didn't give me an answer one way or the other ( I suspect it would be a "no" then, but I'm not gonna assume)
Sorry, no. - 5
Maybe... - 1
So... 50% is a pretty great result, in my opinion.
If I include those "no answer" as "no", it drops to 48%, which is still well above the expected 33.3%.
Unless my math is wrong.
Which it might well be.
Thanx for the comment.
Yeah, for me, nothing beats real-time manipulation of physical pedal knobs. I like to be hands on, ya know? (yes, you do know)
I actually already had that random loop saved on the pedal, so I just ran it through the Delay pedal and messed with it that way.
Recorded by putting my mic in front of my little practice amp.
Yeah, for me, nothing beats real-time manipulation of physical pedal knobs. I like to be hands on, ya know? (yes, you do know)
I actually already had that random loop saved on the pedal, so I just ran it through the Delay pedal and messed with it that way.
Recorded by putting my mic in front of my little practice amp.
Thank you very much, Sir.
Yeah, that's more or less the same formula as during 50/90. Had to let this one out to connect with the noisier stuff I have in me, I guess.
Your avatar suits you well! 😁 I thought it would make you unique on the site (visually), but no, there are at least two black circles apparently. 😀
Yeah, that's more or less the same formula as during 50/90. Had to let this one out to connect with the noisier stuff I have in me, I guess.
Your avatar suits you well! 😁 I thought it would make you unique on the site (visually), but no, there are at least two black circles apparently. 😀
Hey, glad you're here in whatever way your Muse guides you to. No worries, life happens. Looks like 50/90 is taking a sabbatical this year so maybe we can catch up then. I am looking forward to at least hearing a new slothcore tune from you!
Hey hey! Very glad to see you here again!
I'm sure the muse will deliver once tomorrow morning arrives 😁
I'm sure the muse will deliver once tomorrow morning arrives 😁
De rien! Glad you're here!
I have no idea what kind of music I have in me at the moment, we'll see. One thing for sure, I'm looking forward to your new works, and to more collective weirdness.
I have no idea what kind of music I have in me at the moment, we'll see. One thing for sure, I'm looking forward to your new works, and to more collective weirdness.
Hey glad to see you back! Looking forward to the listens!
So good to see you here, even if it's in the shadows.
Hello brother. Let's do this.
Hope to hear new works from you this year if you are able to join!
Mrrr mrrhw, mhhpfh mrrow mew meehw. Mhhw mrrew?
Ŵƹɭʗȱɱƹ ъǻʗǩ!
I used to have long hair half way down my back before I discovered the convenience of super short hair.