Right, MARK?

by @complexissimple

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

I usually write a #nonsense song and then provide instructions for someone else to sing it. #needscollab #nonsenselyrics

For this one I mostly just scribbled on my keyboard, so it's a different kind of nonsense than I would have come up with entirely out of my own brain. I'm not sure who all these people are that we're talking about in this song, but Mark will know. Right, Mark? (Who is Mark?)

Sing it as if Mark is the only one that's paying attention but you're acting like Mark is the only one who's not paying attention. Seriously, Mark, why don't you understand everything I'm saying? It's perfectly straightforward, do I have to spell it out for you? Everyone else gets it. Just answer the question.


Byrne he's flash chuck
ha zero is cargo
lucca ecru oxen
ask mark

yards idea

so be sufficient
shock such so Kisha
Wan nude beaches
few hip Katha

an do dogs grab NFL cycling park mark
Musa BBQ zip gaining major sk oak run
ha ah dunno wish sk kids sk

lists is do echo
movies such chi just
lbs sk McTavish
sky ish binning sk

he sk its stuck
ha so chi lbs

so be sufficient
shock such so Kisha
Wan nude beaches
few hip Katha

he do skydiving few such lbs week mark
is sk chi kiddush such wifi echo (echo?)
is free ah occurs sex hi sk MARK
Sk ha sk MARK
chic sk ssssskk



This is a fun stream... Jeff Tweedy, Wilco, has a songwriting exercise like this, Could probably pull a couple of tunes from this! Great post!!