Was it a cat I saw?

by @finniestone

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Liner Notes

I got a mild case of hypothermia, and thus this fever-dream-esqe song was born. Complete with references to cat deities, Bob the Builder, Remy from the Pixar classic film Ratatouille, and the evil creatures known as geese that plague Seattle.

The chords for the chorus to verse follow a palindrome pattern, with a G in between the mirrored parts:
F - Am - G - Dm - G - Dm - G - Am - F

#folk #acoustic #mandolin #singersongwriter


f. am. g. dm. 

was it a cat I saw?
getting deified last evening?

or was it just your uncle bob,

making worship look easy?

and say, do geese see god?

‘cause they sure as hell live evil,

and so we panic in a pew,

accompanied by star rats.


verse 1:
dm. g. am. f. 

the cat on that fine eve,

roped its owner in,

a tenet was enacted,

to raise a shrine of sin.

and so bob, he set to building,

the greatest gig he’ll have,

the deed was drawn up shortly,

the altar built by noon.

am. dm. g. am.


verse 2:
dm. g. am. f. 

the geese, and their friend remy,

they eye our human food,

they peep our plates, and don their bib,

and level with their chef (“remy”),

they scoff when he serves bird rib,

and complain to the health board.

“was that a rat I saw?”

am. dm. g. am.




very clever very fun!! i really like the vocals, too. getting both 'was it a cat i saw?' and 'was that a rat i saw' in there is awesome
i dont think i could come up with this many palindromes if i tried
Nice write! The palindrome chords make a nice bed for the dream drenched lyric. I particularly like casting geese as villains here.
Oh my god, so many palindromes! Another lovely mandolin jaunt from Sarah 😎
"do geese see god?" is exceptional, both as a question and as a palindrome ---
sorry to hear about your hypothermia - but this level of wordplay is making hypothermia appealing --- lots of double word play points on the palindromes, and the internal rhymes --- well played --- I don't trust this character remy