by @baxy
Skirmish: Worst Beat-off 2k25 (@grayslate)
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Liner Notes
you get what you ask for, why asking that tho
i tried my worst - it is supposed to not be good that's the point of that skirmish, ask grayslate why
i rushed to set up recording things for that skirmish, made sure to finish my day job in time, and then, between almost quitting multiple times because of the weird prompt, I actually had some fun
#skirmish #worstbeatoff #instrumental #jawsharp
I like the springiness of lead synth line! This isn't bad at all; it's rather energizing!
I think you met the brief - well (or badly) played!
This feels like the kind of music aliens would unironically listen to, I love it
Challenge failed(?) I actually enjoyed listening to this 🤣
That line is not a synth, it's a live played instrument, jews harp. Metal springy thing., hence the springiness. Confusion with synth is a good complinent, thank you.