Longing for you
by @gordon
Longing for you
Liner Notes
I imagined a book in my head
Filled with characters I barely knew
And all the things that they said
The words on the pages spoke true
I played with genres, locations and timelines
I gave them plots, all twisted in knots
But resolution was not to be found
Should I set the story underground
In a bunker after the last bomb had dropped?
Or in a skyscraper, right up at the top
Why would you read it, why would you care
Should the hero be wealthy, or is that just a little unfair
It’s a lot of work, to write in your head
Keeping track of things, coming up with lines
It keeps me sane though, so that’s what I do
Stranded on an island, longing for you
(c) words and music G Todd 2025
Fantastic lyrics, I really like the melodies you came up with for the vocal lines.