"...It's the fourth song."
Liner Notes
Using the same #gothy #post-punk setup as the previous track, here's some kind of anthemic #rock song. It's an #instrumental because while I did work out a vocal part, I haven't been able to come up with suitable lyrics for it (and not even a title as of yet). So this may not be an instrumental forever!
Sounds like it came right out of the 80s! Quirky guitar riffs and cool change-up in the middle. Love the bass solo!
Love the garage-y sound of the drums and bass at the open. The guitars have a cool mix of sixties surf and nineties math rock, without actually sounding like either. Awesome change-over just before the 1:30 mark. And that bass break was sublime. Really cool. Could stay an instrumental, could turn it into a truly bizarre lyrical treat. I look forward to what happens.
Excellently twisty riff collection, there's enough going on here that it works as an instrumental but also very much suited for some kind of goth anthem if you figure it out!
Nice sound - hard rocking. Love it.