- Nottingham UK
- www.vomvorton.co.uk
He / Him.
18th FAWM, first one in a new city. Will that make a difference? Who knows. Hoping to write more songs I can play live as I've been doing a bit more of that recently.
genres: #indie_rock #indiepop #synthpop #power_pop #bubblegrunge
influences: Diners, Lali Puna, Trust Fund, Magnetic Fields, The Research etc
Vowl Sounds album with @owl:
18th FAWM, first one in a new city. Will that make a difference? Who knows. Hoping to write more songs I can play live as I've been doing a bit more of that recently.
genres: #indie_rock #indiepop #synthpop #power_pop #bubblegrunge
influences: Diners, Lali Puna, Trust Fund, Magnetic Fields, The Research etc
Vowl Sounds album with @owl:
Vomilicious *nods*
Ahhhhh, yes, we should definitely release it as a single! We can have that conversation whenevs, though. I GUESS moving and stuff is more important ;) Hope you're well!
Hihi! Looking forward to your stuff as always! "Cool Kids" remains one of my favorite tracks I've ever worked on, so I'm just saying, if you want to plan a collab this month as a birthday present....it's only, like, a REALLY big birthday...no pressure or anything... ;)
Well here we are again! Let's get a date in to do one in person!!
Hello, you!
Fair play. I'm not even mad. If anything I'm jealous I didn't think of it first
Hey! 👋🏻
I'll be honest, I had to Google it. Didn't even verify so I apologise if you write a song with a downtempo EDM beat and soaring vocals, only to find London Grammar are actually from the capital, as one would assume.
I'm here! It's me, I'm important (y)
I'm fully expecting your move to Nottingham to bring out the Sleaford Mods, London Grammar, and As December Falls out of you
Vom! have a great fawm!
Hey hey, happy FAWM!
Welcome back! I hope we can work together again this year. Everything sorted out with the move? (are moves ever really sorted out?)
Hi Tom hope you’ll have a nice FAWM, would be fun trying to finally do a collab with you if you’re up for it…but no worries if you’re not