Cat Nap

by @jeremykazoo

NSFW Skirmish: Throwback Thursday - Old ... (@dudachris)

Liner Notes

For the Old Gold skirmish. I've had the story and idea of this one floating around for a while. And I still strained the hour to get this written!

I struggled to perform this one, needs practice! NSFW for the subject matter.

#reggae #acoustic #cat #folk


Stopped at the pot store on my way home from work today
Grabbed a book of zig zag papers and a pouch of Galactic cake
Explore the corner store next door for some chips and slush
Catnip by the till on sale, I thought hell that aint too much.

Got home with my buys and took my kitty on the deck
Lied down on our backs in the sun and my god how high did we both get

Meow meow meow meow.
Cough cough

I found a slice of heaven with my kitty at my feet
We started to talk about the old days of buying reefer off the street
She thought that legalization was a big conspiracy
Brought on by the government to force metric system on me

Days of buying ditchweed baggies I thought would never end
Visiting a strange dark basement with a friend of a friend to start the weekend.

Meow meow meow meow.
Cough cough

As we dozed off we remembered those good old times
When we bought ganja in nickels and in dimes (bags)
No quarters, no cap lids, no new designer strain
Choosing off a menu turns out to be a pain


What a fun song. I absolutely love that second verse. And the chorus!
Fun! I didn't expect the subject matter from the title, which made it more interesting to discover. I especially like the meow/cough chorus.
Oh my gosh this is so delightful!!! I don't know what else to say, but I'm so glad you shared 👏
This is funny and lighthearted easy going musical snapshot of the changing times. Metric-how DARE they?!
There’s a lot of appeal in the rhythm and flow. A good-time story too.
LMFAO - At work, can't listen, but the lyrics are truly TFF!! Great Write!