Always Wear A Big Smile

by @lamerabbit · @nilsjesper

Liner Notes

One more occurence of trilogy of songs where just bass and lyrics change. Vocals are the same crap from me :) Thanks @nilsjesper for a fun collab.

Vocals again not just first take but a first ever go at it. Probably last too :)


Check out the mentioned person:


Playing by the hour or not
Always wear a big smile
Getting what you want or not
Always wear a big smile

When not playing by the book
Always wear a big smile
While listening to Sarah Shook
Always wear a big smile

Being pestered by your boss
Always wear a big smile
When gathering excess moss
Always wear a big smile

Seeing humankind going to hell
Always wear a big smile
Having very little soothing to tell
Always wear a big smile


Super fun to record a bass part for while jumping around. Love the final product.
I love the energy.
I dig the riffs so much!
You've got our number; we'll tolerate gigantic mouthfuls of tish if the person feeding it to us smiles as they shovel.