Get new titles
by @yam655
Liner Notes
After I saw this prompt for a second time, I realized the script I was using to pull titles from #Titular had a minor bug in it.
This was from the first time I saw this prompt.
Get new titles.
I need a new title!
Get new titles.
Some call them prompts!
I need a new title here!
Get me a new one
A new one will do!
I need a new title here!
Please just one
just one will do.
The title I used was old and stinky.
It smelled like socks and cheese!
I thought it would be a mystery
but it really had nothing to please.
Get new titles
I need a new title
Get new titles.
Some call them prompts.
I need a new title!
Just one more! Just one will do!
I need a new title here!
Anyone, yes any one will do.
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