Devil at My Door

by @phylo

Devil at My Door

Liner Notes

Apropos of nothing, and just because I felt like it, here's a little pre Super Bowl bluesy number... Acoustic guitar and harmonica with a static drum track. #bluesy #harp #acoustic #guitar #instrumental


Ha, ha @phylo this is delightful. After my first listen, I played again, recording it on my phone and improvising a ditty about The Devil at My Door. I hope you don't if tidy up the lyric and share it, maybe tomorrow
I enjoyed everthing about his excellent tune!! Guitar sounds so sweet. Great hamonica!! love the southern bluesy vibe. Very enjoyable listen!! great job!!
This has a great bluesy feel to it. Had me tapping my toes along with it the entire time. Got me in a New Orleans mood for the Superbowl. Very well done.