I Think I Broke It!

by @markfulwider

I Think I Broke It!

Liner Notes

Just For Fun! Although I do think I broke something...at least it sure sounds like it at the end! Hahaha!
#rock #jam #justforfun


Nice write! Excellent drive, and a great lead lines and tone (the doubled line is excellent!). The bit off the end is a bit off the wall, but interesting.
Fun tune and production, great layering! Also, sweet guitar sounds (esp. from the 1min mark). Was waiting for a crash and an "ow!" at the end re:breaking something haha it was actually a super slick outro!!
hahaha it's got a nice vibe going tht doesnt take it seriously. interesting sections coming in that's never boring
@jerrypettit yea sometimes those little oops moments can actually be magic, but in this case it was actually intentional. My attempt at humor! Hahahaha! I found that really wild sound in my DIVA VST (A stellar MOOG model btw) and was just looking for an excuse to use it! Many Blessings and I hope you are able to get your computer fixed or better yet a new one! I am currently still using my 2017 IMac Pro. Still working on for now.
I had a song I did recently that might have overloaded my computer (probably time for a new one) because there was a little "spray" of static at the end after I'd recorded it. Haven't been able to fix it yet. Maybe those little glitches give our songs "character"? (Like The Beatles inventing "feedback" on a record with "She's A Woman"). Anyway--great song! ❤️
@stewdean you got that right! Thanks for dropping by!
Move fast and break things. Nice short jam!