Oma's Blessing(The Knitting Spell)

by @nwhosings

Oma's Blessing(The Knitting Spell)

Liner Notes

Last year I wrote a song for my Opa, having lost my Oma, his wife of many decades a year prior. This year I'm writing for my Oma.
I learned much from this indomitable lady. Not the least of which was how to knit. I still know how to say the Dutch rhyme she used to teach me the motions of a simple knit stitch. (Something about peeking through the door?) I have no idea what they mean, or if I'm saying them right after all these years, but I can enunciate them clearly and they had a great rhythm. I didn't write it out, because I have no idea where to start with that.
My Oma and I didn't see eye to eye about religion and faith at the end of her life. But even at 92 she heard what I had to say and tenderly replied, "I may not agree with your choices, but you are my grandchild and I love you. Nothing gets in the way of that."
It still makes me tear up.
I know she would be proud that these are the things I learned from her and that I have found my own kind of freedom in life.
Be at peace, Oma.
#spellsong #memory #loss #magic #chant #acapella #singersongwriter #harmony #feminist #fibre #vocals #knitting #dutch #foreignlanguage #round


Dutch refrain (x3)
Build yourself a blanket
Out of twists and loops of thread
Warm yourself in winter
Be it hands or heart or head

Warm your hands, your heart, your head

Dutch refrain (x3)

Drape yourself in scarlet
In emerald or in gold
Wrapped round and round in cables
Patterns clear and crisp and bold

Be clear, be crisp, be bold

Dutch refrain



Know your value, know your measure
Know your hands hold might unseen
Knowledge is my treasure
Take all I know
Be free


This is lovely and making me cry. I’m a knitter, so when I saw the title I knew I had to listen! What a delicate and mysterious round--I got goosebumps listening to it.
This is such a lovely tribute to your Oma! Just beautiful work, and I'm once again blown away by your acapella skills. :)
I liked how you made the refrain a round that builds over the course of the song.
I think the focus would be improved if you had less repetition (in the non-round parts).
Could you print out the Dutch?