Skirmish: Breath, breathing, breath... (@robinleaf)Liner Notes
So, I started this with the breath track, and got interrupted rather thoroughly. But eventually I returned to it, adding the cahon and acoustic bass, and then gave up as I was falling asleep over the keyboard. Tonight I returned again, to write some words and add a vocal track. So, while this was inspired by the skirmish, it certainly wasn't finished in an hour!
#meditation #pagan #life
It starts in darkness.
A tiny group of cells starts to pulse
Does it falter at first? Maybe
But then it finds a rhythm
Oh, yes, oh yes
It grows in darkness
This tiny, new-grown heart
One with a larger self
That, supported by its rhythm
Grows, Grows
It stays in darkness
Protected by ribs, muscles, skin
A brain and a mind
That learns more rhythms
Eating, Breathing
Sheltered in darkness
It beats through a lifetime
Supporting the body
The mind, the soul, the spirit
Rhythm, Rhythm
Beating in darkness
Faster for excitement
Slower for rest
One day, it falters, stutters
One day, One day
It Stops
Copyright ©2025 (2/13/2025) Deirdre M Murphy All rights reserved.