Future campfire jam #2
by @ayais
Liner Notes
These lyrics and the 10/8 time signature notation came in over the future communication portal, and this is a guess at what it will sound like some generations away. Maybe 10/8 will be a new standard?
I only have a vague notion of the meaning. Rather than say, maybe someone else can hazard a guess. @richardmasters ?
#guess_at_translation #future_campfire #hump_sha_dei
Hump sha dei
Hark ta do
Whish farc ont
Long ta du
Shamonta la
Hark tu don
Hark tu don
Waya toh ta
Dinka din
Donka don
Hoy Hoy Hoy
Hazarding a guess, I would say it's a casual summoning ceremony - perhaps the summoning of one's innerspirit to come up to the skin, for the purposes of getting through the day? Sounds introspective, rather than an urgent need. Like this very much, I think this is a vein worth mining more! Your vocals embody the primal nicely.
Very raw and earthy! Back to real basics! Very hypnotic!
Needless to say, I love the lyrics! Really unusual music to back them up, and I love the weird percussioney things and the strange timing. It all sounds very archeological! The "hoy hoy hoy" made me laugh.