Closer To The Moon

by @edwinb

Closer To The Moon

Liner Notes

Years ago I was at a Computer Science research talk where the speaker said something along the lines of "this technique gets us closer to the solution in much the same way as a stepladder gets us closer to the moon".

So, I thought I'd build a #nerdfolk song around that. It might be obvious what I'm getting at here, but if not, never mind. It's just a song, right?

It involves an 8 string baritone #ukulele, a tenor uke, and some keyboard bits and pieces, all recorded into a Zoom R4. #fuc

(EDIT: I tweaked the lyrics slightly in the hope they make more sense this way.)



We [A]hear all the [D]promises
We [E]give in to the [A]hype
We [D]climb on the [A]bandwagon
[D]Like and subs[E]cribe[Esus][E]

[F#m]Crypto and [A]blockchain
[F#m]Save it to the [A]cloud
[D]Generate it, [A]celebrate it
[D]Source it from the [E]crowd[Esus][E]

Well a [A]blast of hot [D]air might [E]raise up your ba[F#m]lloon
And you can [D]climb up the [A]ladder if you
[D]Think you'll get [E]closer to the [F#m]moon
If you [D]think you'll get [E]closer to the [A]moon


Go [A]viral and ins[D]pire us
[E]Twenty seconds [A]fame
[D]Doctors will [A]hate it
It's [D]going to change the [E]game[Esus][E]

[F#m]Time to in[A]vest
What [F#m]will they think of [A]next?
[D]Who needs a [A]human when
You've [D]got predictive [E]text?[Esus][E]

And a [A]blast of hot [D]air might [E]raise up your ba[F#m]lloon
You can [D]climb on the [A]table if you
[D]Think you'll get [E]closer to the [F#m]moon
If you [D]think you'll get [E]closer to the [A]moon



Did you [F#m]wait too [A]long
Did you [F#m]hear the bubble [A]burst
When the [D]next one comes a[A]long
Will you [D]be there [E]first?[Esus][E]

Though a [A]blast of hot [D]air might [E]raise up your ba[F#m]lloon
You can [D]dance on the [A]table if you
[D]Think you'll get [E]closer to the [F#m]moon
If you [D]think you'll get [E]closer to the [A]moon


A [A]blast of hot [D]air might [E]raise up your ba[F#m]lloon
And you can [D]conquer the [A]mountain if you
[D]Think you'll get [E]closer to the [F#m]moon
If you [D]think you'll get [E]closer to the [A]moon

But it [D]won't get you [E]closer to the [A]moon[E][A]


Great line to kick this off, but every step the right way, is a step the right way! Nicely done.
The song sounds as if it's about tulip bulbs and things like that, though I think the chorus is saying a bit more. Regardless, I like the sound and the instrumentation.
Nice song, sort of reminds me of They Might Be Giants without being derivative. Love to hear the uke, it fits well with the vibe of the song.