Closer To The Moon
by @edwinb
Liner Notes
Years ago I was at a Computer Science research talk where the speaker said something along the lines of "this technique gets us closer to the solution in much the same way as a stepladder gets us closer to the moon".
So, I thought I'd build a #nerdfolk song around that. It might be obvious what I'm getting at here, but if not, never mind. It's just a song, right?
It involves an 8 string baritone #ukulele, a tenor uke, and some keyboard bits and pieces, all recorded into a Zoom R4. #fuc
(EDIT: I tweaked the lyrics slightly in the hope they make more sense this way.)
We [A]hear all the [D]promises
We [E]give in to the [A]hype
We [D]climb on the [A]bandwagon
[D]Like and subs[E]cribe[Esus][E]
[F#m]Crypto and [A]blockchain
[F#m]Save it to the [A]cloud
[D]Generate it, [A]celebrate it
[D]Source it from the [E]crowd[Esus][E]
Well a [A]blast of hot [D]air might [E]raise up your ba[F#m]lloon
And you can [D]climb up the [A]ladder if you
[D]Think you'll get [E]closer to the [F#m]moon
If you [D]think you'll get [E]closer to the [A]moon
Go [A]viral and ins[D]pire us
[E]Twenty seconds [A]fame
[D]Doctors will [A]hate it
It's [D]going to change the [E]game[Esus][E]
[F#m]Time to in[A]vest
What [F#m]will they think of [A]next?
[D]Who needs a [A]human when
You've [D]got predictive [E]text?[Esus][E]
And a [A]blast of hot [D]air might [E]raise up your ba[F#m]lloon
You can [D]climb on the [A]table if you
[D]Think you'll get [E]closer to the [F#m]moon
If you [D]think you'll get [E]closer to the [A]moon
Did you [F#m]wait too [A]long
Did you [F#m]hear the bubble [A]burst
When the [D]next one comes a[A]long
Will you [D]be there [E]first?[Esus][E]
Though a [A]blast of hot [D]air might [E]raise up your ba[F#m]lloon
You can [D]dance on the [A]table if you
[D]Think you'll get [E]closer to the [F#m]moon
If you [D]think you'll get [E]closer to the [A]moon
A [A]blast of hot [D]air might [E]raise up your ba[F#m]lloon
And you can [D]conquer the [A]mountain if you
[D]Think you'll get [E]closer to the [F#m]moon
If you [D]think you'll get [E]closer to the [A]moon
But it [D]won't get you [E]closer to the [A]moon[E][A]