It's Plenty Cold for Me

by @paulmilne

Skirmish: Cold Enough For You? (@metalfoot)
It's Plenty Cold for Me

Liner Notes

Came in a few minutes late for this one but did it all in about 50 minutes.

A slightly different take on this because though it feels cold here it's nothing like what our North American friends are feeling


© Paul Milne, all rights reserved


There's a yellow warning of ice and snow
That means a chilly wind might blow
A little bit north of here
But tomorrow it looks clear
Just don't be in any hurry
You might run into a little flurry

So let me warm my toes on your feet
Outside let it snow
Outside let it sleet
If it's cold enough to take you to bed
That's plenty cold for me

Today my fingers got a little bit numb
Taking the dog on its morning run
Ditto the end of my nose
For here it's cold I suppose
Anyway it isn't minus twenty
But having been there before this is plenty



I like the chord structure and melody and the lyrics are spot on. Good skirmish work!
The lyrics are super cozy and make me want to curl up in a blanket by the fire. Just lovely.
This is really cool... no pun intended... love the melody and meter. Great story... really love listening to you perform!
My partner and I came in yesterday after clearing the back deck of what started out as 8 inches of snow before the rain turned it into slush. So, yeah, let me warm my toes on your feet. (Although our thermodynamics usually work the other way around - I'm the warmer, she's the warmee). Nice take on the prompt, and yes, it's damn cold and wet in the Northeast US this February.
Fantastic! I can defitiely relate as a seattlite haha