The Stars Will Sing in the Dark of the Moon. (updated)

by @scubed

The Stars Will Sing in the Dark of the Moon. (updated)

Liner Notes

I'm away from home for the rest of FAWM with limited time and no computer. I'd planned to use my new iPhone to record the rest of my songs, but, while I know how to record on a iPhone, turns out I don't know how to get the recording in the appropriate format for upload. 🤦 Made this recording on an iPad.

#fingerpicking #girlwithguitar


The Stars Will Sing in the Dark of the Moon
©️2025 - words and music by Sharon Stepler

The stars will sing in the dark of the moon when the sky is black and clear
When diamonds of the night
Scatter crystal light from yesteryear
The stars will sing in the dark of the moon

The stars will sing in the dark of the moon for all who choose to hear
A choir of galaxies
Revealing mysteries to open ears
The stars will sing in the dark of the moon

The stars will sing in the dark of the moon as they spiral ever near
And reach through time and space
To touch my face and dry my tears
The stars will sing in the dark of the moon

The stars will sing in the dark of the moon


This is so heartfelt and lovely. Vincent would have loved it. Ping if you ever get it uploaded (or send me email the voice-sung mp3 and I'll see what I can do if you want)