
Tim Fatchen

@timfatchen Mod





Influences: Classical , Percy Grainger, Mike Oldfield, Enya, Kate Bush, Cecil J Sharp, US Musicals, Gilbert & Sullivan, Tom Lehrer

Tim Fatchen: nice, polite, quiet, writes serious and often soothing music, good dinner guest.

Flying Tadpole (songs marked [FT]): anarchic ratbag, writes irritating and often nasty satirical rubbish, good kennel cleaner.

SHAMELESS PLUGS----------------

Cleaned-up tracks from earlier FAWMs?? timfatchen.bandcamp.com, flyingtadpole.bandcamp.com, Apple Music, Amazon, SheetMusicPress, Spotify...
And free videos on http://youtube.com/flyingtadpole

13 Feb 2025 Another paranoid fear laid to rest as I finally started the stonework repointing and the first session turns out successful, color matches, mechanically sound, looks professional (!) and I sink into a puddle of gormless relief...even though the mortar mix was a leetle sloppier than should have been. But song inventiveness--mundane, messy, miserable, misconceived, mishandled etc etc Still: #notdeadyet

10 Feb 2025 is when I discover that a lack of piano practice combined with aching arms and arthritic hands from raking out decayed mortar do not make for clever piano efforts unless they are very s l o w ...

9 February 2025
Heh. @benbarden pointed out a certain conflict with my avowed seriousness and the lust and longing in the baritone uke song https://write.fawm.org/songs/307394 . It was so apposite, it woke Flying Tadpole from his drunken stupor and I've adjusted that and other song titles to placate both the audience and my dark, dark shadowtwin. AND a baritone ukulele (brown) is en route. That's what happens when your alter ego is let out of its cage, you see.



Thanks for that really nice comment @timfatchen about "Even Sometimes Poems" - I will make sure @jmpoet hears it too. I'm glad the feeling of the poem came through.
I know. Imagining all the demo tapes that never got played, all the promising artists whose life took a different turn** - and then you think about many of the dull-as-dishwater acts that did get that break and ... ooft! But ephemerality is the nature of creativity I suppose.

**The excellent music documentary about Scottish girl groups, Since Yesterday, pays particular attention to bands who dropped members or split up because one of them became a mum. It's a fascinating, if infuriating, reflection of how the music industry treats women and well worth seeking out.
Thanks again Tim.
since ive exceeded the 14 songs with february material, i threw this one in as bonus dooity. besides, the difference between this and this mix and the original is considerable. when i first heard the demo in 89, i disassociated myself from the song, it was so bad. now, for legal reasons, i have my name attached to it.
Hi Tim!
The link still donโ€˜t works for me. Iโ€˜ll try again later.
Thanks Tim, out our way, the biggest culprits are dodgy rubbish disposal companies. Yep, the Tadpole is welcome to have as go at it, I am having reaper issues so will not get a chance to do a demo for a while.
Oh, and thanks for the 2 comments. ๐Ÿ˜€
Absolutely. Medicine can do a lot, but nowhere near enough. It might one day hit the sweet spot of explanation and cure, but in my lifetime, there's basically 0 chance of biologists isolating consciousness in the brain, let alone curing all the psych disorders.
Hey Tim. I try to leave comments that talk about what the piece made me *feel*, regardless of what it is *about*.

Wow, 8 songs deep already! Congrats.
Hi Tim. Thanks for your kind comment on 'Boy in the Well'. A demo does, in fact, exist for that one: https://write.fawm.org/songs/306847

You are welcome to put that one to music if you still wish; otherwise, I think my own well of inspiration is not yet dry. Watch(list) this space...
Thanks for your comment on 'A Mysterious Force' - you've got it right, the song must be put in context, because it's too abstract for a straight listen. I'm writing with a script in mind, and the characters' emotions are developed during conversation, so the songs connect (I hope they connect) with the listener based on that.
I've crept up on this kind of approach, and have a lot of work to do before I can get it staged, but my fingers are crossed.
Thanks again for stopping by "Common" - I'll paste what I responded here in case the tag didn't work... To answer your question about how long it took to put together... @jmpoet could answer how long she spent on lyrics, which were first. Then I spent a couple hours writing the music/chords. I sent it over to my bandmate @dmelbygibbons on Weds morning for him to look over as we were getting together that evening. He'd have to comment on how much time he spent with it; I originally wrote on piano but he translated it to guitar. Then Weds evening, @dmelbygibbons came over to mine and @briansmith house for @bearwith band practice...I think we started working on it together at 8:00 pm to come up with cello, harmonies, and flugelhorn... then recorded it at 9:15? Sorry it's long winded haha, but when so many players are involved I'm trying to find all the threads of the timeline!

BTW seeing in your bio that Percy Grainger is one of your main influences...LOVE THAT as I am bigtime concert band nerd!
yup bottom 4 strings of standard guitar
tell me about it I'm starting to feel the pain and have been limiting what I play.
28 January 2025
Still running as full-time carer for wife Deborah (terminal lung cancer) with the occasional scare but the use-by date is "indefinite", immunotherapy is pushing back, general health is improving, and I don't look too far ahead. Since last FAWM, have had yet more amazing travel adventures involving sea-otters, grey whales, alligators and Amtrak.

Plans for this FAWM: there's serious masonry work during the day and FAWM at night, I trust. Also, having helped another get her amazing 1994 book/artwork/songs epic back in motion again, FAWM 2008--the Global Warming Musical--is being cleaned up for re-shopping. I have one school interested already.!

I'm still going to be more limited than in previous years, but should be better than the nightmare of early 2024!
Thanks for your comments

I like your ideas on "The Archer". Let's see how this song develops.

But which dilemmas do you mean? I'm very happy with the chord progression of "Coming Home". I just need vocals / lyrics (in the works) and a real guitar or uke take to get rid of my programming. All fine :)
I was not familiar, no. But it strikes me as the unblessed lovechild of Wikipedia and Adam Cadre, and I have, in the space of a minute, fallen deep within a rabbit hole of essays on organisational charts. Thanks for this.
Tim I honestly had no idea "Up Wake" was creepy until I read your comment, at which point @artie said something like "Yes of course it's creepy, it's a dark army coming against an angelic/light voice over top." So...thanks for explaining my own song to me I guess! ๐Ÿคฃ
Thanks for the comment :)
Hi, Tim
Just wanted to say, I appreciate you taking the time to comment on Risk I wrote.
Thank you
Hey, thanks for reading my lyrics and for your comments. btw I added a quick recording. I wasn't going to show that song to anyone, I felt like a creep writing those lines. But then I added the last verse and it made sense. Those feelings of pain, jealosy, and that erotic masochistic fantasizing, doesn't define who I am. But they happened the instant I saw that picture at my ex's place. She was away and I agreed to take care of her cat while she was gone.
I know I came up empty handed during 50/90. Thatโ€™s always a hard time of year for me. But could we try again this FAWM?
Thanks for the kind words on my song!
I had all 1 Feb to record a few.
Thank you, TIm for your kind comment on my skirmish piece.
Thanks very much for your kind response to "Let the Light Return", Tim. I appreciate the visit. Drop by anytime.
Hey, ho! Bring on the caffeine! Happy FAWM 2025! ๐ŸŽต โ˜•
Letโ€™s do it! Always hope to find another magical song with you.
Hi Tim, it's good to see you back here! So glad to hear that Deborah's immunotherapy is working well! A good friend of mine is on it as well and the results are truly amazing.
Thank you for your good wishes. Have a great FAWM!
Nah, not running SCALA but I am still on their board. Working from home in Yankalilla is not too difficult
The 3 string CBG bass is 34.5 inches EAD ( I know you old enough for imperial measurments ๐Ÿ˜€ ) and I have a 42 inch scale 4 string washtub double bass that needs reassembling just as soon as I save up enough for a new set of strings ๐Ÿ˜Ž
Hi Tim, I hope you're all ready to go. Now that I'm living in Yankalilla I might have the same issues as you getting over the hill to Adelaide. I don't know what I should say about SCALA... I have mentioned to many a member about FAWM but they all seem to be put off by it all. Shame really :)
Hi Tim, I hope you're all ready to go. Now that I'm living in Yankalilla I might have the same issues as you getting over the hill to Adelaide. I don't know what I should say about SCALA... I have mentioned to many a member about FAWM but they all seem to be put off by it all. Shame really :)
Hi there Tim, how are you doing over there? Keeping cool in these heatwaves I hope ๐Ÿ˜Ž
Once more into the breach! Y'all have a bunch of fun now.
Somewhere on the other side of the world from me, I sense Tim Fatchen making ready to fish for musical ideas, baiting his hook with an earworm....glad you're here, Tim! I hope this FAWM gives you space to express what you will freely. So glad you're here :-)
Hello my dearest friend. I'm gonna try to do FAWM this year - hugs and peace to you!
Looking forward to some fuc songs
Hello from up over! See what I did there? Have a good one Tim
OMG yes re wind - it was brutal. We are well used to bad storms, but this was something else on another scale. The destruction is everywhere ๐Ÿ˜ฌ Many homes are still without power and water and internet/phones... Feb 5th maybe for some.
I listened to "Flying Fish" - gorgeous! - and bought the whole album so husband and I can both enjoy your musical travel journal. "Flying Fish" was my initial listen because the title took me back to a magic moment: We were standing on deck under a full moon, gazing out at the water, when suddenly a huge school of flying fish rose out of the water and gleamed like silver as they skimmed above the water. Thanks for evoking that memory for me.
Hi Tim, thank you for participating in sharing your song thread. Congratulations with your album. I've listened to the first track. It's very beautiful, soothing and wonderful to listen to. Beautiful playing.
Hello, good sir. It's good to see you back and at it even if you're more limited than past years. A little goes a long way. Be well.
Glad youโ€™re back, Tim, to keep us jolly and on track.
Happy FAWMing Tim!
Hey man! Happy FAWMing! Peace.
Hi Tim. Looking forward to hearing some new music from you. I loved the ocean voyage series. Ill be working on a lyric for you.
Hi Tim. Music at night sounds truly familiar ๐ŸŽถ
Hi Tim. Have a great FAWM ๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽตโœจ๏ธ
Backups! Yes, yes, I know, I tend to get lazy, but need to start doing them MORE often! I have a stack of USB drives. Didn't expect a 1T SSD to fail in a few months!
Happy FAWMing, Tim!
Good to see you again. Doesn't quite feel like FAWM without you.
Good to see you back and glad to hear that Deborah's illness has been kept at bay and that the two of you have been able to enjoy some exciting travels this past year. Happy FAWMing!
Back at it eh? Good to see you back again.
Heya Tim, glad to see you back here :) Happy FAWM!
Thank you Tim for keeping everything running smoothly and creating a safe, welcoming FAWM for everyone! Say ๐Ÿ‘‹ to Deborah from me. Hope to hear some FT or TF tunes this year.
I've always enjoyed your musings & music, Tim! Happy FAWM 2025!
So glad to see you're hear and that you are managing all the different challenges of life!
Happy FAWM 2025!