The King of My Own Little World (The Tale Of Nibbles The Snail)

by @sarahdevalliere

Liner Notes

#children #kids #snail #ukulele #girlwithukulele #silly

My 8 year old has started writing songs.. usually very short but surprisingly memorable and catchy.... often times just instrumentals on the violin which she is learning, but occasionally with lyrics. So this is a co-write with her because I need to write 14 songs and she needs more songs for her band (the "Zootropics" 🤘 ).

This is a (mostly) true story about how she found her pet snail Nibbles, who we adore. She came up with quite a few of the lyrics and the whole back story. Apparently even 8 year old girls still find poo funny 🙄

I do hope to record this with her sometime this week but just incase I went ahead and recorded this (to ease my FAWM anxiety and feel on track 😂 )


I used to live on a sandy beach
I played with my siblings hide and seek
But the snail I really hid from
Was Ambrosius, ruler of the snail kingdom

Ambrosius was a bully to boot
He’d make us go and collect him food
And when we went against his demands
He’d banish us to live under the sand

This is a story
About a snail and a girl
My name is Nibbles
I’m the king of my own little world

One day when I wasn’t following him
Ambrosius crept up to me and said with a grin
“Nibbles you didn’t follow my command
So I banish you to live under the sand!”

I accepted my fate and crawled to the shore
Where I thought I’d die and live no more
When suddenly a girl scooped me up
And with some rocks put me in a cup


She got out of the water all soaking wet
and took me home to be her pet
driving home I just wanted to poo,
cause when I’m afraid that's the thing I do.

When we got to home she jumped out of the car
Added soil and carrots to a mason jar
Picked up my shell and placed me inside
Said “welcome, to your new life”


She feeds me all organic food
Which puts me in a super mood
Now I love eating sugar snap peas,
Baby Carrots and spinach leaves

She placed my jar on a windowsill
Remembers to keep my water bowl filled
Since I’ve joined her family
I’m as lucky as a snail can be



Put a big smile on my face! Love hearing this darling song. Such a fun topic, imagining these images and hearing the snail's perspective. Great melody to serve the story. My inner child thanks you! 😊
This is super cute, Sarah! Kudos to your daughter! I love that your daughter and you are going to record this together!
I love your voice! you crafted the perfect melody for this tune. your daughter is quite the songwriter heheh. ps thanks for the kind words!! the word cloud is part of the muse! its like a songwriter paradise aha.